Voice for love, 520 national responsibility program released
On December 12, 2017, the “Thirteenth Session Conference of Chinese Excellent Corporate Citizens in 2017” was held at the Beijing National Convention Center. The theme of this year's session is "To pay tribute to outstanding corporate citizens in China." It identified outstanding companies that have performed outstandingly in the practice of corporate citizenship and have made significant contributions. In the form of senior corporate citizen social responsibility experts and entrepreneurs sharing practices, we pay high respects to outstanding Chinese corporate citizens.
At the meeting, Ms. Lv Xiujuan, Marketing Director of SynTao, released the 520 action advocacy of 2018 as a representative of the 520 Social Responsibility Day Initiative Committee.
In order to continuously promote the implementation of the 520 Social Responsibility Day and to build enterprises the “520 Social Responsibility Day Initiative Committee” will play an organizational role in building 520 Advocacy Projects, establishing dialogue platform, promoting policy support, and continuously advocating . A platform for initiatives that will involve a wide range of partners.The platform will use the 520 National Responsibility prpgram in 2018 as a starting point to bring together more companies to participate in the 520 Social Responsibility Day theme promotion program and guide citizens to express their love for society.
2018年3月15日 09:35