Foundation of SynTao


Launched the China CSR Map


▶  Released the first report A Journey to Discover Values
▶  Launched the first CSR case database

▶  SMART stakeholder communication system went online
▶  Promoted Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP)



▶  Became the first GRI authorized training institution in China
▶  CSR Resource Platform went online
▶  Became East Asia 30 Expert Committee

▶  Launched the CRO Forum
▶  Elected member of GRI stakeholder Council


▶  Became a member of UN PRI
▶  Hold the Awards of Environmental Protection for Chinese Enterprises with National Business Daily


▶  Open Shanghai and Guangzhou offices
▶  Launched China SIF with Securities Times
▶  Conducted green credit training with CBA


  Launched the investigation report of Social Investment in China's Fund Industry with Security Times in the 1st China SIF
▶  Published Top 10 CSR Trends for 2014 in China with News China
▶  Launched CSR Guidelines for Multinational Companies in China
▶  Developed MBA courses on Enterprise Management and Sustainable Development with Tsinghua University

▶  Launched the research journal Thinktank


▶  Establishment of professional green finance company —— SynTao Green Finance
▶  Issued the Material and Quantitative Indicators Guideline for CSR Report (MQI)
▶  Held the first Engineering Ethics Forum of Tsinghua University jointly with Graduate School of Tsinghua University
▶  Sign a strategic cooperation framework agreement with CEEC, and launch the responsibility leadership and sustainable development education project of Business School
▶  Assist client to complete the first sustainable development report used G4 in China


 ▶  Launched SynTao Academy

▶  Become the Committee Director of the Green Finance Committee of China Society
▶  Issued the report of Transparency and risk management of overseas investment in China's mining industry
▶  China Oversea Investment Risk Map (www.chinagoabroad.org) went online
▶  CCM registered as Social Service Agency


▶  10th anniversary of CCM , Launch CRO private board

▶  SynTao Green Finance becomes China's first certificate body for Climate Bonds Initiative

▶  Published Cross Border Dialogue - Handbook of Charity Program

▶  Participation in the China Alliance of Social Value Investment and Impact Hub Shanghai

▶  Released research of Public Cognition, Attitude and Behavior of Sustainable Development and Sustainable Consumption of Chinese consumers (2016) with Jiemian News

▶  Jointly launched "Sustainable Education Platform of China Business School" with the propaganda and education center of the Ministry of environmental protection

▶  Held "China CSR exhibition week" jointly by Management School of Fudan University 



▶  Launched the "520 Social Responsibility Day"

▶  Launched the first "China overseas investment CSR country risk index"

▶  Release the communication guide for China's overseas investment communities

▶  The 3rd SynTao Academy was opened in North China, East China and South China simultaneously

▶  Published "ESG operation Manual Report", 2017 Edition

▶  SynTao Green Finance become knowledge partner of G20 Green Finance Synthesis Report Executive Summary

▶  STGF released "China ESG prosperity index" and "SF-Caixin ESG 50 index"


▶  Launch "520 social responsibility day" 100 people joint office

▶  Held the cro global summit 2018

▶  Launch the first China CSR Youth Summit

▶  Released the community communication Manual of China's foreign contracting engineering industry

▶  Received "Gratitude and Homage Award" for the 30th anniversary of China Women's foundation

▶  Co-hosted Suzhou Industrial Park Green Lifestyle Exhibition

▶  The first A-share ESG information database released by SynTao Green Finance and released at wind financial terminal